Organisational Development

What is Organisational Development? 

OD is a all about improving the health and effectiveness of  businesses and organisations. Create space, review, find fresh direction, vision and effectiveness for your business or organisation.



Comprehensive Organisational Development Package

Free exploratory meeting (1 hour)

Introductory Meeting with Key Leaders (2 hours)

3 Facilitation Meetings (2 hours each) consisting of:

  • Finding future direction

  • Strengthening vision and culture

  • Accessing increased creativity and solutions-oriented ideas

  • Reducing stress, finding space to increase personal and corporate productivity

  • Unearthing and encouraging team motivations and working cohesion



1 to 1 Personal Leadership Coaching (£100/hr)

Follow-up meeting to earth, strategise and use findings (£100/hr)

Spiritual future-focussed meeting facilitation (£300/2 hrs)

Stand-Alone Meetings (£300/2 hrs session) choose one of the following:

  • Find future direction

  • Strengthen and encourage vision and culture

  • Access increased creativity and solutions

  • Reduce stress, find space to increase personal and corporate productivity

  • Unearth and encourage team motivations and working cohesion



To find out more about how Organisational Development works, click here.

As with life coaching, there are many tools and approaches to OD work that are dependent upon the client, their brief, size, budget, and focus. For any more information, please contact us for a no-obligation initial consultation.


The meetings facilitated by Sarah, which inform our board level decisions, have produced insights which have helped us discern future strategies, tactics and plans, as well as building us as an organisation and a team. They continue to have a very positive impact on us as an organisation. We find these regular sessions very valuable.
— Geoff,  Director of Award- Winning Digital Solutions Organisation, City of London